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Underground Loader Bucket. Front view to show the smooth interior. Alternative description: Underground mining bucket.


Goldmont Engineering specialises in underground mobile equipment repairs and fabrication. We repair and fabricate components for Epiroc, Sandvik, Caterpillar and Normet underground mobile equipment – trucks, underground loaders (boggers), integrated tool carriers and other support equipment.

Check out the Outcast underground loader bucket designed and fabricated by Goldmont . This is a revolutionary re-design of the conventional underground loader bucket. The design reflects what Goldmont has learnt from many years of repairing and refurbishing underground loader buckets. Other examples of the repair or fabrication work Goldmont does on underground mobile equipment are:

  • Engineering certified ROPs and FOPs cab repairs or fabrication of new items.
  • Underground loader bucket repairs and refurbishment.
  • Truck tray relines.
  • Underground loader and truck chassis repairs.
  • Engineering Certified Work baskets (single and twin stage), fan installation platforms, charge baskets.

Goldmont designs wear packages for underground truck trays and loader buckets using Hardox(R) wear parts. Our wear packages reduce weight and/or increase wear life.

We also have a wide range of spare parts, wear parts and consumable items, in stock. Many of our mining spare parts are re-designs of OEM components to address recurring equipment problems. An example is our redesign of the CAT R1300 engine bonnet.
The Goldmont product catalogue has a full list of all the products we supply for underground mobile equipment. Here is a summary of the products:

Underground Mobile Equipment –Truck Tray Refurbishment
Heavy duty "A frame" shaped equipment to attach to underground loader for towing items up to 20 tonne weight. Couplings to allow oscillation in all directions.
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